In a year of many challenges and surprises, 2V stands triumphant as engaged and motivated learners!
In English, we have been learning about persuasive writing and we are now focusing on imaginative writing. We have been planning and constructing the most incredibly creative stories that always leave our Mr Vas amazed. Many of us have been developing our own books and comics for others to enjoy!
In maths, last term, we learnt about different strategies we can use when we add and subtract numbers. We love a challenge and thrive when working in small groups to solve challenging maths problems. We are getting better and better at explaining our thinking to others through our working out and verbal explanations.
We have consistently demonstrated our passion for music and performance. We frequently sing and dance (even during home learning) and thrive when expressing ourselves through performance. Science is one of our favourite areas of inquiry and discussion, especially when learning about the natural world around us. We love to do our own research on topics and make scientific presentations to our classmates. Our teacher is always left amazed at our knowledge and presentation skills!
Games and play have been a very important part of our year. We thrive when constructing amazing designs and structures. During sport, we pushed ourselves to be active and healthy as well as learning new games such as bocce and croquet. Our class game of choice is checkers and we especially love to play and beat our teacher!
Term 4 is going to be the best term of all because we will be so grateful to be learning and playing with each other again. We will always remember the potential we possess as caring and interested learners.