KG have had an incredible learning journey this year. We have spent most of semester two at home remote learning and it has been quite an experience for us all. We have learnt and developed so many new skills and have had so many different learning experiences, with our amazing home learning teachers guiding and supporting us each step along the way. KG students’ ICT skills have developed at an accelerated rate over our remote learning journey, and it would be safe to say that we are now a technological savvy class! If you need help uploading a photo, changing fonts, or navigating the tools on Seesaw, then KG is the place to go!
In science, we have learnt all about living things and we have learnt new practical skills in the process such as how to grow and care for plants. We have some very knowledgeable green thumbs in the class that have shared their gardening tips, tricks and updates throughout the remote learning period. One of our favourite weeks was National Science Week, where we created at home and then shared on Seesaw some very exciting experiments and investigations. We hypothesised, we predicted, we trialled, sometimes our experiments failed but we tried again and most of all we had fun during the process!
We have worked hard across all Key Learning Areas this year and have loved all the hands-on activities in our Remote Learning Program. We have had so many wonderful learning experiences and it has been, overall, a fun ride watching the students grow and develop through digital technology! KG have proved to be resilient, resourceful, creative, and active learners and should feel so proud of their achievements over their remote learning journey!