Our Principal

- Experienced and dedicated staff.
- High levels of academic, cultural and sporting achievement with an emphasis on children as individuals.
- A K-6 music program featuring ensembles, rock band and choir groups.
- Extensive co-curricular programs including dance, debating, public speaking, Earthlings and chess (parent operated).
- Student leadership programs including student representative council (SRC), peer support, foster buddies.
- Italian language program 5 days per week.
- English as an additional language or dialect program
- Outstanding technology programs linked to syllabus outcomes K-6.
- Implementation of best practice pedagogy programs.
- Enrichment programs at the class and stage level.
- Sporting programs K-6 including gross motor/sport programs, PSSA competition sport (Winter and Summer) and school sport.
- An active grounds committee involving students, staff and parents.
- An active school council and P&C association.
- Before and after school care on site.
- A ‘healthy' canteen operating 5 days a week.
- An on-site uniform shop.
Six key learning areas
Abbotsford public school aims to provide a ‘Rich Learning Environment' where balance is important and students are encouraged to be risk takers. Our basics are the 6 Key Learning Areas:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science and technology
- History and geography
- Creative and practical arts
- Personal development, health and physical education.
Stage groupings
Our school is organised under stage groupings. The department of education and training's syllabus documents are also written in stages:
- Early Stage 1 - Kindergarten
- Stage 1 - Year 1 and 2
- Stage 2 - Year 3 and 4
- Stage 3 - Year 5 and 6
Students are encouraged to reach their potential in the academic, cultural, social and physical domains. Lifelong learning begins with safe, happy and successful early learning experiences where the home and school work together to support all learners.
Our learning programs seek to develop a thirst for knowledge and an understanding that learning can be fun but more importantly, hard work creates its own rewards.
Teachers under the direction of the learning support team assess student-learning needs. Programs are written at class, stage and whole school levels to meet the full range of student needs. Students with disabilities are enrolled at our school and receive assistance from school learning support officers (SLSOs) under funded programs.
Personal development programs for students emphasise the importance of caring for each other and the critical role individuals play in the creation of safe environments for all.
A warm invitation is extended to interested parents and carers to visit our school and see our quality learning programs in action. Please call our School Office for an appointment (+61297136220).
Warm regards,
Chris Johnson