Abbotsford Public School

An innovative and inclusive learning space

Telephone02 9713 6220

Uniform shop

The Abbotsford Public School uniform shop is managed by the school P&C Association. The school uniform is compulsory so we manage our own shop to help keep uniform costs to a minimum and assist all families.

Orders through Flexischools Only

Online order

Place an order online using the Flexischools online ordering and payment web site


  • We take payment through the Flexischools portal.

Lost items

Please make sure you label all of your uniform items. There are lost property boxes situated near the admin offices and at the Abbotsford Community Centre (if your child attends OOSH)

- so, if any uniform items are misplaced, please search these first.

Second hand items for sale

The uniform shop gladly accepts donations of uniform items in good, clean condition.

Donations can be brought in during shop hours or left neatly outside the shop door please.

Any enquiries can be directed to the Uniform Shop Team via the school email.