School Carnivals
Abbotsford Public School holds a 3-6 Swimming Carnival, a 3-6 Cross Country Carnival and a 3-6 Athletics Carnival each year. All students in Years 3 to 6 attend each carnival and students turning 8 years old in Year 2 may attend to compete if they chose to.
Students who finish in the top 3 for each event receive a ribbon and are invited to attend the zone carnival if they meet the criteria. If they meet qualification requirements, students may progress further to regional, state and national championships.
At the end of Term 1, all students in Stage 1 participate in a Fun Run on the same day as the 3-6 Cross Country Carnival. In Term 3, Kindergarten join Stage 1 for a K-2 Athletics Carnival on the same day as the 3-6 carnival.
Parents are invited to attend all carnivals.
Every student at Abbotsford Public School is placed into a sports house and sports house captains from Year 6 are elected each year.
Our sports houses are:
- Emus (red)
- Kookaburras (blue)
- Lyrebirds (green & yellow)
- Magpies (black & white)