Parent Testimonials
"It is great for the children to go to a school where there is such a positive culture of participation in co-curricular activities and developing themselves as all-rounders."
- Parent of Year 3 and 5 students
"I chose Abbotsford PS as I feel it had a good balance of academic achievement, great facilities and a good community feel."
- Parent of Kinder and Year 2 student
Abbotsford PS offers ‘A Rich learning Environment' combining the key areas of Literacy and Numeracy with an extensive range of important learning opportunities for your child.
Our students are safe, happy and successful in an environment of high expectations and strong community support.
Key Areas
- Extensive school grounds and a well-resourced learning environment
- Quality learning programs for all students and recognised co-curricular programs across a wide range of areas
- Inclusive school community characterised by strong parental support and involvement
Read on to find out more about our school
Extensive school grounds and well-resourced learning environments
Our Extensive school grounds feature exploratory gardens, quiet areas, school oval and handball/hopscotch areas. Garden areas have seen major development over the last few years with plantings of native ground covers, shrubs and trees across the entire school. This work has been coordinated by the P&C and supported by a number of Environmental Trust grants and City of Canada Bay local council support.
Before and After School Care is on-site and operated by a parent committee under Out of School Hours (OOSH) guidelines.
A healthy canteen is open every day and is very popular with students and staff.
All classrooms and learning spaces are air-conditioned which makes for a very comfortable learning environment across the entire school.
Our excellent School Library has an extensive collection of fiction, non-fiction and technology resources and is supported by a Library Fund. Donations to the Library Fund are tax-deductible.
The Henry Lawson Community Hall is used for special assemblies and as a performance/sports space.
The entire school is networked with wireless access from all classrooms to the internet, email and the school computer network. Students participate in a variety of e-learning projects as well as research using the internet with clear DET guidelines for appropriate use.
Currently, all classrooms, the staffroom and library have an Interactive Whiteboard which is used to facilitate and enhance lessons. All IWBs are also able to be used with erasable whiteboard markers as an added feature.
Our extensive Music Program has a Music Specialist who provides a 40-minute music lesson to each class every week.
The P&C Music Program has a training band, string ensemble, percussion ensemble and rock band with weekly rehearsals. Individual and small group instrument tutorials (recorder and violin) for students take place each week at school and are held out of school hours.
Regular performance opportunities are provided at open events including Open Days, Family Music Nights, Education Week Open Day and Presentation Day.
Quality learning programs
Our school features a strong Core Learning emphasis across the 6 Key Learning Areas of :
- English
- Mathematics
- Science and Technology
- History and Geography
- Creative and Practical Arts
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.
Our students achieve excellent statewide test performance with Literacy and Numeracy NAPLAN results (Year 3 and Year 5) consistently above the state average.
Every student K-6 learns Italian as part of their weekly program. This community language program features aspects of written and spoken language as well as aspects of culture.
Learning support is provided in literacy and numeracy. Program delivery is monitored by the School Wellbeing Team.
Student Welfare Programs including, Foster Buddies, Peer Support, Minds Wide Open and PBL are a very important part of our programs.
Our innovative Student Leadership Program including Student Representative Council (K-6) and elected Student Leaders (Year 6) results from students voting for their representatives.
Extensive co-curricular focus is central to our rich learning environment with Maths Olympiad/Games, Choirs, Dance/Drama Groups, Earthlings, Debating, Representative Sport (Netball, Soccer, Touch Football, AFL, Softball and Cricket), Public Speaking Competitions, Chess Club, Art Club, Running Club and Writing Club.
Inclusive school community
Our school community of students, staff and parents have developed an inclusive and welcoming environment where there are extensive opportunities for Parental Involvement including P&C, School Council and school working bees.
Important P&C Committees include Uniform Shop, External Fundraising, School Community and Canteen.
Regular communication with the school community occurs through the fortnightly Newsletters, Student Progress Reports (June and December), Parent Information Evenings, Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences and the school's Social Media accounts.
Like to find out more about our school?
Do you have some specific questions?
Would you like to speak with some current parents?
We would be very pleased to welcome you and your child to our school to meet the Principal and have a school tour with Student Leaders.
Call Dianne Jones or Christine Hamilton in our School Office to make an appointment.