A Parents & Citizens Association is a school-based organisation open to parents, teachers, students and local citizens interested in supporting the school.
- Encourages parent participation in the school.
- Represents the families of the school and raises any concerns.
- Assists the school in providing facilities and equipment for the welfare of students (mainly through fundraising, but also by lobbying and applying for grants).
- Discusses, makes suggestions and votes on how funds are spent.
- Assists with school functions.
- Elects a representative to School Council (usually P&C President).
- Lobbies Local, State and Federal Governments on issues important to the school.
P&C general meetings are usually held on the 3rd Wednesday evening of each month, except for the first week of term and during holidays. They are held in the Staffroom, from 7:30 pm to about 9 pm.
An Annual General Meeting is held early in Term 1. The financial audit is presented at this meeting and office bearers are elected for the year. All meetings are advertised in the school newsletters with regular reports and minutes provided to interested members.
Please come along and get involved in your school community. Contact details of our the current position holders can be found here.
Executive committee and members
- President – Acts as chairperson of the Executive Committee and is the main link between the P&C and the Principal. Represents parents on the School Council.
- Treasurer – Handles the money coming in and going out as well as financial reporting.
- Secretary – Takes and distributes meeting minutes, handles correspondence, coordinates communication of P&C information to the wider school community.
- Vice-Presidents (2) – Act as back-ups to the President.
- Members - those parents and interested others who have attended a meeting that calendar year and paid an annual fee (gold coin). Members have voting rights and receive meeting notices and minutes by email.
Membership is open to all, but parents are not automatically part of the P&C just because their child attends the school.
P&C committees or sub-committees
P&C committees are formed to undertake specific tasks.
They are accountable to the P&C and any funds raised go to the P&C.
- Canteen – Run by P&C according to Dept of Education & Communities (DEC) to guidelines. Parents have a say in what is provided.
- Uniform shop – Run by P&C to provide a service to families.
- School community – Coordinates school community-building events and activities, some of which are also for fundraising.
- External fundraising – Coordinates fundraising from external sources and liaises with the school on what to target. Although the DEC provides for students' general needs there are many ways the P&C can help enrich the school's learning environment.