Miss Mayhew is the teacher of 25 motivated and hardworking students (14 in Year 5 and 11 in Year 6). Some of our best learning resources are our peers, so we are always working hard to support each other’s success and learning goals.
Miss Mayhew strongly encourages us to step outside of our comfort zones, therefore, when we step into our classroom, our classroom becomes our arena: “You need to step into the arena in order to achieve, however, with that, you also must accept that you may fail.”
We have efficiently transitioned into remote learning for Semester Two, with students participating in daily morning check-in and midday Q&A zooms. Our daily lessons are uploaded on Google Classroom with videos providing detailed explanations of tasks. We have learnt many new skills such as technology use, time-management, responsibility for our own learning and how to do group projects online.
We have worked productively, using teacher feedback to produce and develop persuasive and informative texts. We have regular comprehension, grammar and punctuation activities and have been using NitroType to enhance our typing skills. We have had a lot of fun using technology to create many beautiful artworks based on Colour Theory, and the class have especially enjoyed producing advertisements in drama to persuade an audience.
We have shaken things up with our introduction to natural disasters and worked hard in our research groups to produce presentations on different primary industries in science. To help with the learning of new content, we have designed quizzes using the program Scratch in technology, which has been a fun and creative way for us to reinforce our understanding.
We have had a positive online learning experience and look forward to bringing some of these new skills on our return into the classroom.