Welcome to 1I’s wonderful webpage! We are so excited to be in Year 1 and we have been learning many new and interesting things this semester.
Semester 2 has certainly been lots of fun and a little bit unusual, to say the least. We started off Term 3 in remote learning and showed how flexible we could be by working at home, adjusting to a new activity matrix each week, and uploading our work to See-Saw.
In Maths, last term, we learnt about the different strategies we can use when adding and subtracting numbers. Now we are exploring multiplication and division, as well as working with money and learning how to tell the time on analog clocks.
In English, we have been learning about persuasive writing and now we are focusing on imaginative writing. A key focus in term 4 has been ‘Sizzling Starts’ and understanding the importance of using onomatopoeia, time connectives and character descriptions to make our writing more engaging.
Science and geography are always very interesting. In term 3, we learnt all about the Great Barrier Reef and the problems it is facing. We learnt about the dreaded Crown of Thorns Starfish and the impact global warming is having on the reef. Now we are learning about the mangroves in our local area along with the Earth’s resources.
We are all super excited about returning to school and can’t wait to share more of our wonderful work with you.
Mr Iovannella and 1I