How do we even begin to explain Semester 2 so far?
2A have had many mixed emotions with home learning. We’ve loved all the learning activities from the matrices but we’ve really missed our friends.
In English, we have been learning about persuasive writing in Term 3 and now we are focusing on imaginative writing. We wrote letters to our teacher and parents trying to convince them of our opinion which was sometimes really funny. We are currently learning how to use Sizzling Starts to hook the reader.
In Maths, last term, we learnt about different strategies we can use when we add and subtract numbers. Our class favourite was the split strategy as we found it the easiest. Now we are revising multiplication and division. We are remembering the vocabulary from the unit such as groups of, columns, rows, arrays, equal etc. We are also learning about time and money which is always fun.
A favourite learning area has been science and geography. We learnt all about the Great Barrier Reef and the problems it is facing. We learnt about the dreaded crown of thorns starfish and the impact global warming is having on the reef. Take some time to read through our Carbon Footprint poster, as it explains all the ways 2A are trying to reduce our impact on the environment. Now we are learning about the mangroves in our local area and also Earth’s resources. These topics are going to be excellent!
We are super excited about being in term 4, however, we’re also equally sad that this year is drawing to a close. We are going to make the most of our time together and have lots of fun learning.