Early Stage One
This term ES1 has revised work from terms 1 & 2. Our focus has been numbers, colours, greetings and learning seven songs and making mini pizzas. Also stating name, age and how we feel in Italian.
Stage One
Stage One has been working on “Gli Animali”. Learning the names of many animals, what sounds they make and also describing them using adjectives. They have been learning the words to “You Are My Sunshine” and creating pasta dishes.
Stage Two
Stage two have been busy learning about classroom objects in Italian. Using the verb “avere”, singing “You Are My Sunshine” and "The Panino Song”. They have also mastered making their own “Panino”.
Stage Three
Stage three have embarked on a cultural journey this term. They have learnt about Italy and its traditions. They too have been learning the song “You Are My Sunshine” and perfected their culinary skills by making bruschetta.